Successful Infosec Consulting Enrollment

Successful Infosec Consulting

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Quick Q & A:

Tell me more! What’s the schedule like and details?

Tentative Schedule:

  • January 18 (7PM EST) Getting started, all the basics, what you need to know to get started
  • January 25 (7PM EST) Getting Clients Deep Dive (with lots of examples)
  • Feb 1 (7PM EST) Pricing, Pricing Strategies, Getting Paid and Negotiations for Consultants
  • Feb 6 (7PM EST) Getting and Maintaining  Desired Expert Status – online and offline strategies
  • Feb 8 (7PM EST) Making it work longterm – Living The Dream for Decades!

Each session will be approximately 60-90 minutes, and we’ll go longer if needed, will absolutely be recorded, and you can ask questions before, during, and after each session, so if you miss one or more sessions live it simple won’t matter.

What if I can’t make every session?

I don’t expect everyone to be able to make every session, and that is normal with ALL online classes. Everything will be recorded, and you WILL be able to ask questions before and after, in fact I’ll be directly reaching out and asking!

How much experience do I need to become a consultant?

Of course it varies a lot, but I recommend 5 years experience although I know people with far less that have succeeded, especially with consulting on the side. I had less than 5 years when I dove in full time.

Are you going to run the class again?

I’d love to say yes, but  I really don’t know. This is an experiment and honestly I make more money with my consulting and live in person classes,  and I have expensive children’s tuitions to pay for many years!

Is there a guarantee?

Of course! I want everyone to be happy! If it’s not for you, there’s a 30 day money back guarantee, just let me know.

Click below for Successful Infosec Consulting. This is a potentially life changing investment in your career and life, and only a few spots are available.

Successful Infosec Consulting

Successful Infosec Consulting (3 payment option)
