Recommended Resources
There are plenty of great resources available that we mention in various places, so we have listed them all here.
The emphasis is on resources you may not be familiar with, and we are listing non infosec specific resources here.
I, Ted Demopoulos, wholeheartedly recommend the below. Just read them: you’ll be glad you did.
An absolutely business classic you must read is Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind
by Al Ries and Jack Trout.
It is a fun and easy read, despite being a slightly but amusingly dated marketing book. In particular Chapters 1-8 and 23-25 are most applicable, but the entire book is fascinating, fun, and easy to read.
Basically, What people think about you (and Security) matters. The position something (like security and like you) have in someone’s mind is critical and very hard to change.
If people think you suck, well, “perception is reality” – or at least limited reality.
Did you know that scientists have studied influence for years, since way before the term “Social Engineering” existed? This fun and quick read, Influence: Science and Practice (5th Edition)
by Dr. Robert B. Cialdini is the classic book on this.
Dr. Cialdini describes six “universal principles” of influence: Commitment/Consistency, Reciprocation, Social Proof, Authority, Liking, Scarcity
The principles are applicable to business, your career, personal life, and just about anything else. And there is nothing sleazy about it.
One of Dr Cialdini’s (the above book) six universal principles of influence is likeability, and this book by Tim Sanders is all about likeability.
Love Is the Killer App: How to Win Business and Influence Friends was recommended by a hard nosed, non touchy-feely friend of mine who thought it might be too touchy-feely for me.
It isn’t. I got a lot out of this book. Yes, he used some made up new age terms like “lovecat” which he defines as “a nice, smart person who succeeds in business and in life,” but it is concrete with actionable and easy advice. At least it was for me. Check out the reviews if unsure.
Branding is critical to a Rock Star, and in Brand Like A Rock Star: Lessons from Rock ‘n Roll to Make Your Business Rich and Famous
, music business veteran Steve Jones shows you winning strategies and techniques from bands like AC/DC, The Beatles, The Grateful Dead, KISS, Bob Marley and more.
Yes, it is a fun book, but it also is quite serious.
Besides, Alice Cooper and Gene Simmons of KISS recommend it.
I get lots of question in consulting, and I STRONGLY recommend: Million Dollar Consulting
by Alan Weiss. Alan is a business consultant who has helped probably thousands of consultants and wannabe consultants, and you want business advice.
Also check out his free newsletter – or at least read the past issues. If you are serious, go read them now.
Admittedly, when I forst discovered this book I got a lot out of it, but when I rediscovered it after a decade of consulting I got even more out of it.
I’ve also recently found the Solo Consultants Network on Linked recently has some great info (just found it last week actually).
Million Dollar Consulting is a classic!
I have Million Dollar Consulting but recently picked up Getting Started in Consulting by Weiss since i am new to the whole consulting gig.
Hi Ted,
The link to the Million Dollar Consulting no longer seems to be valid.
Does seem to be accessible here now though:
Thanks Darryl!
Hi Ted,
Have you read ‘Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die’?
I highly recommend it.
It is not focused on info sec and their ideas can be applied to any business activity, but it really helps you understand why some info sec training just doesn’t seem to stick with users.
It is a fantastic book, which gives you ideas how to improve presentation, reports and training.
Hi Simon,
Yes, a great book – the Heath brothers did a great job on it! I’m a fan.